Miles Morales is finding his feet as the new Spider-Man! But will his first team-up be with his uncle Aaron, the villainous Prowler? Caught in a moral crisis, Miles must choose between battling his uncle - or joining him to keep his family safe!
The malleable Ms. Marvel continues her hero's journey! An enemy from her past begins targeting those closest to her - a challenge that calls into question everything about Kamala Khan. Not just as a super hero, but as a human being!
Miles Morales takes up the mantle of Spider-Man! Before Peter Parker died, young Miles was poised to start the next chapter in his life in a new school. Then, a spider's bite granted the teenager incredible arachnid-like powers.
The Marvel-Verse is full of possibilities for Miles Morales! Get to know Miles—the Spider-Man of two worlds—with these ultimately marvelous adventures!