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Releases April 2025
Players: 3-7Playtime: 25 MinutesAges: 10+
Set in the world of Blind Business, Fritanga is a game for food lovers where the playing space is... a deep fryer! The players control various snacks and try to survive at all costs, jumping from one side of the basket to another in order to avoid the boiling oil. Will you be the surviving player or will your fried snack end up on someone’s plate?FEATURES★ Put yourself in the shoes of an onion ring, a mozzerella stick, or a french fry and try not to get fried in the boiling oil.★ 20 minute games for up to 7 players are ideal for lovers of chaos and interaction.★ Features 3 game modes: free-for-all, 1 vs many, and team mode. ★ Winner of the Granada Games Festival’s best prototype award.